I found the A.W. Tozer devotional for today to be especially relevent to the church right now, so I decided to post it here at my blog. Rick Warren, Leonard Sweet, Brian McLaren and the other proponents of the emerging church are talking about a reformation that is really no reformation at all. They preach a different gospel than the real Gospel of Jesus Christ, don't be taken in or deceived by something that sounds close to the truth. Study your bible and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into all Truth. He will be faithful to do it. Here is the devotional:
Revival: Doing the Will of God
By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. --1 John 5:2-3
We urgently need a new kind of reformation throughout our Christian churches--a reformation that will cause us not only to accept the will of God but to actively seek it and adore it!...
The reformation we need now can best be described in terms of spiritual perfection-which reduced to its simplest form is no more and no less than doing the will of God! This would expose us all at the point of our need, no matter how sound we think we are in doctrine and no matter how great our reputations.
I long for the positive and genuine renewal which would come if the will of God could be totally accomplished in our lives. Everything that is unspiritual would flee, and all that is not Christlike would vanish, and all that is not according to the New Testament would be rejected....
Do we voluntarily and actively observe God's commandments, making positive changes in our lives as God may indicate in order to bring the entire life into accord with the New Testament?
That is the active aspect of the will of God that I would own as reformation in the church, and it would surely result in revival.
Today's "Insight for Leaders" is taken by permission from the book, Tozer on Christian Leadership, published by WingSpread Publishers
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